Klassenname/ID |
Bemerkung |
IACConfig |
Eintrag für eine Konfiguration Implementiert von Entitäten: ACClassConfig ACProgrammConfig PartslistConfig |
IACContainerWithItems |
A container that enables to build tree structures. A container is a object that encapsulates a value which is from type IACObject. It contains a Items-Property for childs and a ParentContainer-Property for referencing the parent container. Use this interface if you want to create a lightweight tree-based-model for presenting it on the GUI (Instead of using the heavyweight IACComponents). |
IACContainer |
A Container is a object that encapsulates a value which is from type IACObject. It's also possible to store a value that is a not an IACObject. In this case the Property ValueTypeACClass is null, because it's an unkown type for iPlus. |
IACObjectBase |
This is the ultimate base interface for implementing classes in the iPlus-Framework. It's comparable to the .net-Type System.Object. This interface helps to present objects on a GUI with its description and to indentify them inside a generic list through its uniqe indentifer (ACIdentifier) |
IACContainer |
A Container is a object that encapsulates a value which is from type IACObject. It's also possible to store a value that is a not an IACObject. In this case the Property ValueTypeACClass is null, because it's an unkown type for iPlus. |
IACContainerWithItems |
A container that enables to build tree structures. A container is a object that encapsulates a value which is from type IACObject. It contains a Items-Property for childs and a ParentContainer-Property for referencing the parent container. Use this interface if you want to create a lightweight tree-based-model for presenting it on the GUI (Instead of using the heavyweight IACComponents). |
IACObject |
Base interface for classes that are registered (or known) in the iPlus-Type-System. They appear in the iPlus-Development-Environment in the Variolibrary-Project or Variobatch-Project. Instances of IACObject have a unique address (ACUrl) in Application-Trees and can be accessed by ACUrlCommand. Therefore every implmentation of IACObject should implement ACUrlCommand to be accessible. IACObject's also can have Designs to be able to be presented on the GUI. |